Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reading: Ezra 4; Psalm 113, 127; Luke 9

(Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand)

"Late in the afternoon the Twelve came to him and said, 'Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here.'
He replied, 'YOU GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO EAT.'" Luke 9:12,13

I have no problem believing in the miraculous works of Jesus. Just as he used a few fish and some bread to feed 5,000 people, I continue to be in awe of watching him work in the lives of people around me everyday. Yet, I can completely relate to the feeling the disciples must have had when they looked out into the crowd of thousands and heard Jesus say, "YOU give...." Did they have that same pit-of-the-stomach feeling that grips me: "ME??? WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY GIVE that can make a difference?" Yet, it is my responsibility to respond and give what I am able. There are certainly those times when Jesus does work the miraculous, but at other times I am learning to be content that I obeyed his call to give...even when the results seem less-than-miraculous.

Dear Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, that you died for me, cleansed me and saved me. Help me to believe that the little I understand and the little I have to offer can be used to do mighty things for you. I'm willing. In your holy name, Amen.


At 12:45 PM , Blogger m.remedios said...

The additional thing that I see in the story, is that Jesus was trying to get away with his disciples but the crowd just kept following. Instead of getting frustrated (like I might), "...he welcomed them, teaching them about the Kingdom of God and curing those who were ill." Again, linking the miraculous with his teaching. We always look at the loaves and fish as being the miracle, what about all those people who were healed?! I wonder if they got the point? Yes, they got fed and healed, but they were also experiencing the Messiah purposely involving himself in their lives--AWESOME!

At 11:05 AM , Blogger Tom said...

Hey Alice. I sure know what you mean about being amazed what God can do with our meager efforts. Did you read the Haggai passages today? They address exactly what you're talking about.
So great to see you and Mike blogging. Can you provide some cyber-cookies for us? :-)

At 2:33 PM , Blogger Chad K Miller said...


Welcome to the blogging world! Glad to see you hear and showing your wisdom. Take care!


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