Saturday, February 09, 2008

Standing On Holy Ground

"Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground." Exodus 3:5

I stand at a distance from the Lord Almighty, and I am very aware of his holiness and of my lacking. There have been times in my life when I have felt the faith that moved mountains and have walked in the authority given to me by my Savior, but this is not one of those times. I am filled with uncertainty and my first response is like that of Moses, to hide my face from the Lord. But the Lord calls me, and my deep need gives me the courage to yield to his call.

As I step into his presence, all the things I cling to for protection, security and strength are stripped away. My heart is raw and I am afraid to hope. I am afraid to ask for the desires of my heart for fear I will be denied, so instead, I step into his presence and I yield.

Not my will, Lord, but yours.

I stand before my father in heaven and surrender to him the life of my earthly father. I give to the Lord my hope for my dad's recovery, my hope that the mind of my dad will grow stronger and that he will once again look into my eyes with clarity, love, and delight. I stand before the Lord clutching my prayer requests, and I choose to lay them at his feet instead of reading them aloud.

Regardless of how frightening the path ahead may seem, I will not run. I will take off my sandals and step onto the holy ground, into the presence of the Lord. Nothing will ever separate me from His love, and nothing will ever separate Him from mine. Not death, sorrow, pain, disappointment nor failure. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercy never comes to an end.

You alone are the rock of my salvation. There is none more beautiful than you in all of creation. You reign above the heavens and the earth. I delight in your Holy Name. Alpha and Omega, you are the Light of the World, God Almighty, my Father God, Prince of Peace, my Deliverer, Healer, Provider . All Glory and Honor are yours forever.


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