Saturday, July 25, 2009


"Others were given in exchange for you. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me. You are honored, and I love you." Isaiah 43:4

Though written thousands of years ago to the people of Israel, I know that the eternal truths of these words ring just as true today to God's people as they did then. To read God's words telling me that I am precious, honored and loved is more than I can comprehend. I feel like I need to let these words soak into my heart. I am precious, honored and loved by GOD, my creator. I pray that my life would reflect the One who loves me.

Lord, as I shift my eyes and heart towards you and acknowledge your love and sacrifice, I am deeply humbled. I receive and embrace your love for me. Forgive me for always feeling that I'm not enough or less than what I should be. I pray that the TRUTH of who I am: precious, honored and loved, would become the heart and soul of my being. Thank you, Jesus, for the giving of your life for mine. I love you with all that is within me. Amen


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